Wednesday, October 20, 2010

VVa Celebrates the National Day on Writing

Our English and Humanities Department will be hosting a Virtual Virginia Gallery for our students starting on this year's National Day on Writing, October 20th, 2010. This is an opportunity for our English students and Creative Writing students to share their works with a broader writing community. If you would like more information on how to submit a work for submission to our gallery, contact our curator, Ms. Laura Light at

Friday, October 15, 2010

Parent Open House Webinar Recording Now Available

If you wanted to attend the Fall 2010 Virtual Virginia Open House for Parents, but were unable to attend this session live, you can now view the recorded session by following this link:

To watch the recording, log in as a “Guest”. You will be asked to enter your e-mail address and a screen name. Enter your first and last name. Click “Log In.” Your session should load. This may take several minutes depending on your Internet connection. If needed, call the Virtual Virginia Help Desk at 866.650.0027 for assistance.

To ensure that your computer has the necessary version of Java to access the meeting, and to configure your connection and audio setup, you can visit prior to watching the meeting.

This session lasted just over 30 minutes. As you view the recording you can skip to the section that you are most interested in or rewind and watch any section again.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Meet Virtual Virginia's New E-Learning Support Supervisor

Chris Wyatt has recently joined the Virtual Virginia team as its new E-Learning Support Supervisor.

Mr. Wyatt received his Bachelor's Degree in Music Education from the University of Illinois in Urbana, IL. After teaching 4-12th grade music in Donovan, IL for two years, he moved to Virginia. Mr. Wyatt was the Band Director at Tabb High School in Yorktown, VA for the next six years. Mr. Wyatt most recently spent five years as an Instructional Technology Resource Teacher for Hampton City Schools.

Mr. Wyatt lives in Yorktown, VA with his wife and two children.

You can find the contact information for Mr. Wyatt as well as any other member of our faculty, administration, and staff by visiting

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Virtual Virginia Open House Webinars for Parents

Parents of Virtual Virginia Students:

We will be conducting “open house” webinars for parents on Wednesday, October 13 and Thursday, October 14. These sessions will provide a brief overview of our program’s structure, our instructional model, and support systems we have in place for you and your student. Virtual Virginia faculty and staff will be on hand to answer your questions. Attendance is optional. Feel free to attend either session. Both webinars will cover the same content.

Virtual Virginia Parent Open House (Option 1)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 @ 7:00 p.m.

Virtual Virginia Parent Open House (Option 2)

Thursday, October 14, 2010 @ 7:00 p.m.

To attend, use one of the above links to go to the webinar’s Web site. Once there, select to log in as a “Guest”. You will be asked to enter your e-mail address and a screen name. Enter your first and last name. Click “Log In.” Your session should load. This may take several minutes depending on your Internet connection. If needed, call the Virtual Virginia Help Desk at 866.650.0027 for assistance.

To ensure that your computer has the necessary version of Java to access the meeting, and to configure your connection and audio setup, please visit prior to the meeting.

At the very least, speakers or headphones are required to listen to the meeting. If you would like to ask anything during the meeting, you may either use the text feature of the meeting software or opt to use a microphone to verbally ask your questions. A microphone is not required to participate.

We hope these meetings will be helpful and informative. If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please contact either:

Scott Cloud, supervisor of curriculum and instruction, at 866.650.0024; or

Elmer Seward, supervisor of instruction and professional development, at 866.650.0031.