Thursday, November 12, 2009

Students share more experiences about their distance learning for National Distance Learning Week

Ryan O.,

AP Physics and AP European History

The Virtual Virginia program has allowed me to take a range of advanced classes that my school doesn't offer. I am taking physics, which my school has been unable to find a teacher for; and AP European History, which is something I am very interested in, but my school doesn't offer very many AP courses. I am also applying to take the VASTS online course that is run by NASA Langley, which will be a great opportunity to learn things that I couldn't otherwise learn. Online courses are a great thing that let you do a lot more in a small community.

Natasha B.,

Latin I

Virtual Virginia has opened up more opportunities to me because it offers me courses that aren't offered at our school. I am taking Latin online with Virtual Virginia. I now know what it is like to be able to exceed my learning ability by taking a harder course.

Regginae F.,

Chinese I

Virtual Virginia has helped my education because it is a great experience. It gives me a chance to be more responsible.

Brittany A.,

Latin I

Virtual Virginia has helped me because it's easier to learn through [the program]. I am able to go at my own pace and learn, which is what I need. The only downfall is that a teacher being present is easier to understand, but with the Elluminate, I am able to communicate with them face to face if I wanted.

Quinton A.,

AP English Literature and Composition, AP Psychology, and AP U.S. Government student

In taking three Virtual Virginia courses at my high school, I have been able to hone skills that I would not have learned otherwise, such as analytical thinking, frequent discussions, and most of all, being very prompt on assignments (i.e., doing them three days before they are due!).

I have been able to learn material in an entirely new way, and thus I have begun to think entirely different too, while working at my own pace. I've also met people online that share my same interests and love of learning, so I am not alone in my education. All in all, Virtual Va. has been a great opportunity for me, and I hope to continue to succeed.

Thomas A.,

AP English Literature and Composition, AP Psychology, and AP U.S. Government student

Distance learning via Virtual Virginia has given me the opportunity to not only take classes that were unavailable at my school and to meet many new friends, but also to attain a higher level of academic confidence. Distance learning offers students a unique opportunity to work at their personal pace... we have the opportunity to share ideas and personal inference without fear of judgment or marginalization. I absolutely love the online program, and believe that it is an excellent tool and application that all Virginia schools should use!

Kirstine P.,

AP English Language and Composition student

It's helped me because we have to research and learn things a regular English class wouldn't ask. It is more advanced and makes us think harder than a regular class. An average English course class is just teaching students the basics; when taking a distance learning course, you learn things that older students should be learning. This prepares us for college; it shows we have responsibility and teaches us about other things besides English, too. It's a wonderful class to take. You have to pay attention and do everything expected of you, and you'll go very far.

Laurel B.,

AP Human

Virtual Virginia has helped me by giving me classes that would not be offered at my school. Not only has it given me the class that is not offered, but it gave me an AP class which my school has none of.