Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Virtual Virginia students share their distance-learning experiences for National Distance Learning Week

Mallory T.,

Spanish IV student

I've always loved to learn, and wanted to take as many opportunities as possible. When signing up for classes for my junior year, I realized that my schedule could not fit in a Spanish IV class without bumping a class I did not want to lose! Trying to figure out a solution, my guidance counselor recommended that I take Spanish IV through Virtual Virginia online courses. At first, I was overwhelmed. There was NO English at all in the program. It was several levels above anything offered at my school! I was almost worried that I wouldn't make it in this difficult course, but thanks to hard work, practice, an easily accessible online classroom, and a very supportive instructor, I have become one of the most capable Spanish students in my school. I can write and read and even speak Spanish easily, and Virtual Virginia offers me the chance to practice every day! Because of this year, I am eligible to take the AP Spanish course next year. Thank you, Virtual Virginia!

Sarah C.,

Chinese II student

Virtual Virginia has helped me do things I never thought I could do. Thanks to VVa, I'm excelling in a subject I love with all my heart. With the help of my classmates and loving teacher, I'm really enjoying this year. Thank you Virtual Virginia, for helping me be the best I can.

Brooke A.,

AP European History

Taking an AP class through the Virtual Virginia online program has allowed me to expand the learning boundaries of my high school. I'd taken a couple of AP courses in my junior year that my high school offered; and I am taking two AP classes this year through the school, but I was disappointed that my school did not offer AP European History as a class. However, through the Virtual Virginia program, I'm now enrolled in that class and am satisfied that I can now enjoy the class and will be capable to take the exam in May. It also has exposed me to how an online class works, and I am now familiar with its structure and the requirements, and it encourages me to enroll in future online classes if given the opportunity again.

Ethan W.,

AP U.S. Government

I live on a farm with my parents and grandparents where I learned to enjoy the little things in life. I do pretty well in school, but we don't have much where I come from. When I was offered to take a government class online, I decided to try it. I have learned a lot from this class: how to study, how to manage my time, and how to do homework. This class has introduced me to people that I have never met before, and I have learned that there are other ways of life besides the country way. Thanks to this class, I am more educated in the ways of our government and I feel that I will be able to make a well-educated decision when I go to the polls and vote.

Alisha G.,

AP Psychology
and World Mythology

Online learning with Virtual Virginia has greatly helped me in school. It not only offers more classes that my high school doesn't, but it also has taught me to be a more independent learner. Next year when I go to college, I believe I will be okay because of the study habits I have learned while taking AP Psychology and Mythology. Thanks Virtual Virginia!

Glenna D.,

Latin I student

The distance learning program has allowed me to take classes that are not normally taught at my school. It opens a wider range of possibilities and allows me to prepare better for my college goals. Virtual Virginia has also allowed me to become friends with students of all ages across the state. It certainly shows me how different we all are. I am glad I am involved with the program and plan to stay with it.

Madonna Y.,

AP European History

Distance learning has allowed me to take a class that would not have fit on my schedule. I am taking this class outside school hours, and it has really helped me manage time and improve my writing skills. It has also given me a quality understanding of the topic and will be worth college credit.

Holly J.,

AP Microeconomics student

Virtual Virginia has helped my education by providing me the resources to take courses that are not offered at my school. Living in Southside, Virginia, a common tone throughout education is that Northern Virginia students are better off because they have more opportunities. I was once told by someone that I wouldn't get into the colleges I wanted to because the NoVa kids would be chosen over me. I feel that Virtual Virginia has given me the opportunity to take the same classes that are offered to the rest of the students in the state. When asked by friends and teachers what my senior schedule is, they are often shocked to find out that I am taking four classes with Virtual Virginia. When they ask me why, my response is that these are things that I'm going to have to study in college, so why not get ahead and go in with a basis for what I'm getting ready to spend at least four years studying?